Friday, January 4, 2008

Hello Friends,

This blog is dedicated to my learnings in Linux....MyLinuxWiki...says....myLinuxWikiPadia....

that is 'What I Know Is.'...

So lets start with learnings...u can also post here what all u know...and would like to share amongst all our linux friends....!!

1 comment:

Linux Learnings said...

Backup and Restore Mysql data from using Linux commands.The steps includes:

1.Connect to server
2.Create a Directory where you would like to backup your data(like /bak).
3.using shell prompt(terminal) to to the dir(/bak)
4.use the following command to backup the data:

mysqldump -u username -ppassword dbname > filename.sql

please note there shouldn't be space between -p and password.


Open SSh file browser
upload dump file somewhere (any directory)

Open SSH Secure shell client with your SSH uid and password

$mysql -u dbuid -ppass (Please note that there is no space between -p
and password)
mysql>use dbname
mysql>source /home/pinky/pairdum.sql (location of the dump file)

* for any help use help command

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